Friday, June 25, 2010

Fashion Chronicles Project #3 - Kotak

Sip... Sorry ya kinda late post for my 3rd theme, maklum gw lagi sibuk; demam world cup dut hehe. Neh, just been busy catching up and chilling with my friends. Lagian gw mikir terus buat theme kotak2, what the hell am I suppose to wear, where else there ain't a single chekered 'soul' in my wardrobe. Tot I should skip this..(well tot aja ya) untill iDut (eL I think I give this cyber name for you lah easier) shouted..."Liii, mana kotak2 lu. Udah post belum?" Errr...
anyway spontaneous reaction and without hanggling my own tot, here's what I come out with....

Kotak - Kotak

Sebenarnya mau si gw cuma pake baju dalam aja and wear just the kotak but ya udah lah ya nanti takut viewer might sue me kerna pengsan liat body gw yang "bergetar"....huhuhu

Kotak - Priceless

Ok lah sampe ke theme ke 4, apa ya pita pita ya.... *scratch head*


  1. Hahhahahahha..sejak kapan nama gw idut? Ibabe aja!!

  2. HHUAHUAHUAHUAHUA............Ngakak gila pas baca postingan ini.
    Great Idea banget.
    Ga ada kali ya yg kepikiran kek gini?? "like This"
    Besok2 bikin yg lebih seru lagi ya^^

  3. ahahah love this.. kocak abis :)
    you should wear nothing behind the box wkwkwk..

  4. Ell: rencananya mau si panggil ibabe tapi tu kan Nama hp Lu hmph ok lah iBabe u be known in my blogging world

    inge: hahaha this is me being myself-spontaneous. Can't help smiling at myself looking at my pic.

    Gil: mauuu tapi maluu

  5. iyaaaa,
    u shud wear nothing >_<
    err...jgn nothin lah ya,underwear nya tetep pake,ntar masuk angin,hahahahha...

  6. Liezy: I might do that .... One day ya if I do I will post.. Tapi harus siap tolak angin dulu ya.... ;-) wahahaha

  7. liiiiiiiiiii, km salahhhh ... ;p
    thebutterflywings bukan aku , it's stephanie. bener kan ya stephanie :)

    miss sunshine = gill ;)
    ahhhhhhhhhhh ak pinjem donk kotaknyaaaa ;)
    like like like!! super creative!!!

  8. Haahahahha salah ya ohhh step sorry yaaaa
    *tutup muka * maluuuuu hehee

  9. liliii...aku suka banget ini kotak2!!! haha..
    if there's an award for this fashion chronicle thing..i would definitely nominate YOUU!
    you are so unpredictable n always surprise us :)
    btw, aku link yahhh....

  10. Lolo-ku thanks yaaaa love u if u nominate me always wahahah lagi bribe ni...
    Anyway aku add lo juga ya....

  11. Hahahahahahhahahaa,...Lili, the idea! expressi nya si foto yg ke 2 SIP banget....hihihi...
